Friday, July 27

Paper Tigers hustle, then hold on for 2nd straight "W"

The Paper Tigers pulled off their second straight win, holding on for a 13-12 victory over Hatrixx on July 25.

The PTs (3-7) waited out a rain-and-lightning delay before coming back from a 4-0 first inning deficit. Once again, Joe Marchfield pitched through a shaky first, before getting on track and keeping the opponents off the scoreboard in the middle innings. Marchfield threw a handful of strikeouts and kept Hatrixx (2-8) players off-balance until a late-game rally came up short.

"I call him 'Four-in-the-First' Marchfield, because he always settles in after that," said captain Joshua Zaffos. "He brings a lot of heart to the mound, and sometimes when it's sunny, he brings the BluBlockers, too."

Following the rain, the soggy Paper Tigers ran up a 13-5 lead, at least partly helped by the shorthanded opposition, which only fielded 8 players because of a lack of women (never a good sign for a bar). The top of the order, including the 1-2 punch of Elliott Johnston and Amy Burdett helped keep the wheels spinning for the PTs, and everyone and their sister (special thanks to our teammates' siblings, Cassie Black and Beth Beckel) got in on the action. Scott Davies personified the gritty offensive performance with some big hits and a head-first slide into second, which the other team likened to a "747 landing in the desert."

"We just got done with the brew tour. All three [New Belgium, Odells and Fort Collins breweries]," Davies said of his alcohol-fueled energy.

Sadie Moore also came through with a big late-inning hit, which scored the last few Tiger runs, helped by a fielding error.

Hatrixx nearly came back before time ran out on the rally, and the PTs snuck off with a one-run win. Dani Black had a couple of huge outfield grabs to help preserve the win, and Marchfield struck out two in the final inning.

Next Wednesday, the Paper Tigers will tangle with Zero Hero, one of the league's top teams. The two teams will match up again on August 8 for the final game of the season.

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