Tuesday, January 29

State of the City returns

Fort Collins leaders hold the third annual State of the City address tonight at City Hall. The presentation - a tag-team effort by Mayor Doug Hutchinson and City Manager Darin Atteberry - starts at 5:30. Last year's event was inspiration for a Chronicle drinking game and perhaps geeked-out city government pundits can come up with 2008 rules (post them as comments, perhaps?) and then get their drink on during subsequent showings of the SOTC on Channel 14. Here's one rule to start: Every time the mayor or city manager mentions Fort ZED or the Mason Corridor, have a lawnmower (that's vodka and wheatgrass a la "The Simpsons").

I should be in attendance, probably sitting next to former mayoral challenger Scott VanTatenhove. We have our own annual tradition of pre-SOTC margaritas to fuel our snarky commentary during the presentation.

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