Thursday, February 28

thursday morning headlines: here we are now goin' to the north side

Northern might: Growing divisions on FC's north side, from the latest edition of the Chronicle.

Go tell it on the mountain: NYT picks up on Leadville's toxic-mine disaster.

Op-ed-ucation: Lessons from the Campus Press.

Line of hire: Mason Corridor report lays out costs and benefits to FC.

In memoriam: William F. Buckley, Jr.


Gerald Ford said...

Wouldn't it be cool if New Belgium did something to give back to that neighborhood? I've always lived on the North side of town and often heard New Belgium referred to as the 800lb gorilla in the backyard. Even something simple like paying for some punch cards to the Atzlan Center for some kids. They of all companies should know to act locally.

Joshua Zaffos said...

NBB does extend its philanthropic scope to the local neighborhood (I don't have specific dollar amounts), including (I think) contributions to help protect the Romero House museum. The brewery and sustainable living fair have also offered free passes to the neighbors for their events, but my understanding is tha the interest has been minimal.

I think you raise a great point as far as targeting some of this goodwill towards causes the communities specifically ask for.